The Red Cross evidences the 'digital divide' that exists among the population that serves

The Red Cross evidences the 'digital divide' that exists among the population that serves

The economic recovery has not reached vulnerable people», underlines Antoni Bruel

   90% of the people served by the social area of ​​the Red Cross (1,460,000 in Spain) do not know the most common computer applications, in 65% of their homes do not have a computer and, although most have a mobile phone (86%), only 61% have an internet connection. This implies an additional barrier to their vulnerable situation, since "the digital divide" increases exclusion by not using technology in the search for employment and in their personal training. These are some of the main conclusions of the new edition of the 'Bulletin on Social Vulnerability' prepared by the healthcare institution.

"There are people who use their cell phones to talk, but they do not have data and they have to go to different public places to connect to a WiFi network; is the whiting that bites the tail: I use less internet, I know less the technological possibilities », said Antoni Bruel, general coordinator of the Red Cross, who added that 85.3% of the people served are at risk of poverty and exclusion Social. "The economic recovery has not reached vulnerable people," said the coordinator. "The number of people without income has increased, reaching 23%, and in them the unemployment rate has risen 6.4 points in one year, reaching 73.7%."
