
Showing posts with the label messenger

WhatsApp: Incredible and legal method to spy on anyone easily

Many methods are especially useful on applications such as WhatsApp , which bring a flow of users often exaggerated. In fact there are so many people chatting, that it is often very difficult to satisfy their requests made. Many often make developers understand that some features are implemented, while others want the impossible. Many times it has come the request for a useful method to spy on users in the chat, but WhatsApp, of course, has put the instant veto. Despite this we must inform you that there is a way to track the movements of users without them knowing. We have seen so many functions that often fall into oblivion , but certainly there are other useful tricks . One above all is what many users would like, that is what allows users to spy, but contextualizing their meaning. First of all, we tell you in advance that we will never provide you with methods to enter other people's chats , since they are 100% illegal . Therefore what we talk about is a useful trick to know wh...