Spanish young people prefer their mobile to connect to the internet
Spanish young people prefer their mobile to connect to the internet
Half of the population uses the smartphone at least three hours a day
At the end of 2016, according to data from the CNMC, there were 51.15 million mobile lines in our country, that is, 110 mobile telephony offers per 100 inhabitants. The advancement of technology and the easy adaptation and use of it in daily life have been an important boost for mobile telephony and smartphones. What makes Spain one of the countries in the world with the highest penetration in mobile telephony.
Taking into account these data, has made an analysis on the use made by Spaniards of the mobile phone and the existing generation gap in this area, presenting clear conclusions on the differences by age and, in particular, among the youngest ones ( from 18 to 24 years old) and adults between 55 and 65 years old.
According to the III Study of Online Comparison towards Smart Savings, carried out by the company, more than half of the population (56%) actively uses the mobile phone at least three hours a day, with an average usage of 4.24 hours. daily
However, there are clear generational differences; thus, while adults between 55 and 65 use it 3.01 hours a day, 30% less than the national average, young people spend more than twice as many hours using their mobile phone: 6.8 hours a day. It is also noteworthy to observe how age is inversely proportional to the use of the mobile phone, as the number of daily hours of use decreases with increasing age and vice versa.
With the high penetration of mobile terminals in Spain, it is not surprising to know that these devices are the most used to connect to the network, according to 44.2% of the population. There is again a large generation gap in this figure, since while only 24.5% of adults between 55 and 65 years old use the mobile device as the main device to connect to the Internet, this percentage rises to 72% among young people between 18 and 24 years old.
Making the most of the functionalities offered by the mobile terminal is also clearly a matter of age. In this sense, 42.5% of Spaniards indicate that they take advantage of all the functionalities offered by their mobile phones. However, while 29.9% of adults over 55 take advantage of all the features of their mobile, this percentage almost doubles to 56% in the case of young people between 18 and 24 years.
This increased use and dependence on the mobile of young people makes them give a fundamental importance in their lives, being willing to pay more or hire certain products or telephone rates that do not need, with the sole purpose of getting the terminal associated with them. Thus, while 32.6% of young people under 25 years old have hired a telephone rate that they did not need to obtain the terminal associated with it, this percentage gradually decreases in different ages, reaching 21.3% in those over 55
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