Companies focus on launching 'wearables' for cyclists

Companies focus on launching 'wearables' for cyclists

When wearables began to shyly enter the market, they did so in the form of fitness wristbands and watches that tracked the activity, especially runners .

And probably most of the technological products that we find in stores are still directed to asphalting and trailers (as colloquially known as asphalt and mountain runners, respectively), but pedaling fans also have their niche.

  Yes, you do not have to be an elite athlete who travels many kilometers on a bicycle to use the gadgets we recommend. Even if you only go by bike for fun or transportation, the technological experience is still personalized as well as safe by reducing the chances of being involved in an accident.

Rare is the smartwatch that today does not include a function to monitor user activity , location by GPS, a physical performance apps and even connection with other users to compare personal records such as pace, distance and performance.

Added to glasses, vests, helmets ... Although most of the gadgets designed for cyclists are placed on the bike. Some like ShredMate are incorporated to the wheel and can measure the jumps that are made with a mountain bike .

As for what the future holds, experts predict that wearables for this type of athlete will be destined to be even more efficient, at the same time unique, for those seeking new challenges. Lazer Genesis LifeBEAM .

Heart rate and pulse rate measurement system,a good idea if you do not want to buy a watch, since you have to wear a helmet anyway. It connects via Bluetooth and its interface is quite simple.
