'Gadgets' and 'wearables' improve the lives of dogs and cats

'Gadgets' and 'wearables' improve the lives of dogs and cats

Let's give a practical example. You have just arrived home after working all day and what you most want in this life is to practice armchair in front of the television.

We can not blame you that the idea of ​​having to walk your dog, your most faithful friend, is not attractive to you, especially if you get stiff on the head or it is frightfully cold in the street. And that's when you thank heaven for the fact that technology not only takes into account humans and improves their quality of life, but also our four-legged friends.

The market for products aimed at pets, which are considered as a member of the family , is in crescendo with articles related to their health and well-being. In 49.3% of Spanish households (a total of 16.1 million) there is a domestic animal, a figure that has grown considerably in the last 10 years , and is still lower than in other European countries.

Collars with GPS, coats that have lights, dogs-cam, leashes with led for nocturnal outings, dispenser of feed controlled remotely ... The technology not only improves our life, but also that of our four-legged friends.
